How is Smart Teddy different from average talking plushy?
routine builder
8 exciting daily tasks from waking up to getting ready for bed

- Routines that will help to achieve healthier lifestyle
- Suitable for different age groups
- Power up your parenting game throughout the day
Hygiene coach
4 game changing activities
to in-still good self-care hygiene practices

- Encourage your little ones to be excited about tooth brushing, washing face or hands
- Get a helping paw in explaining the importance of hygiene
Professional storyteller
21 daytime & 7 bedtime stories
and poems

- Teddy helps to develop critical thinking skills by reflecting on the ideas from stories
- Encourage child's imagination and support speech development
Bedtime reinventor
7 bedtime stories and 3 soothing lullabies for the sweetest dreams

- Get help with the transition process from active day to bed
- Extremely soft and perfect for cuddles
- Built a coherent night routine with Teddy’s help
Get yourself
a helping paw
and a best friend
for your kid!
A connected routine builder for just $99.99
How it’s built
He’s a genius
who likes to cuddle

A control unit inside the Smart Teddy connects it to the app and powers the paws. He’s a hi-tech teddy bear who loves hugs.
Parents control with My Smart Teddy App

The app connects with your Smart Teddy and unveils his full potential. Schedule an alarm, activate a scenario, check out a new content update and more.
Kids control with interactive paws

Interactive paws are the key
to a child's independent play: listen to fairy tales, learn cool facts and activate exciting experiences. The fun never ends.

No cam

No mic

No ads

Data storage

in-app tracking
You won’t believe how easy it is
Choose the activity,
for example,
“Tidy up”

Smart Teddy asks kid and...
Kid actually does it!
Independent play
is encouraged with
Teddy's Interactive
4 interactive stickers are included in the box
Put the stickers up around the house
so that your child can learn to activate and do these activities
on their own:

set in the bathroom to brush teeth

stick to a wall to workout

place by the bed to listen to stories at bedtime

put in the kid’s room to listen to fun facts

Get yourself
a helping paw
and a best friend
for your kid!
A connected routine builder for just $99.99
Early learning sets
Our little explorers can discover such disciplines like basic math, emotions and animal kingdom.
With these sets they can develop critical thinking, emotional intelligence and learn about the outside world and its inhabitants.

So popular
for a teddy bear
Featured by

We are officially
the hottest tech toy according to PC mag
Winner 2022

Winner of the
Smart Companion category
Smart Teddy’s
the real deal

It’s a very well-thought out toy
with educational and routine-building components
by the Mom’s Choice Awards
Unlock and enjoy additional features
and content
Smart Teddy Plus
subscription plan.
35+ vs 12
Basic plan
More daily activities Praises to motivate Automatic scheduling
65+ vs 28
Basic plan
Wider library of stories More songs & lullabies Unlimited Favorites
10+ vs 1
Basic plan
Educational games Riddles Themes of weeks
Motion Sensor Holiday edition content New content releases every week
Meet our experts!

Meghan McEnery
Meghan creates fun and engaging dialogues for Smart Teddy. She is a kids playwright, her plays have been successfully developed in New York, Phoenix and Los Angeles.

Educational consultant
Jackie is passionate about child development and early childhood education. As a parent of two and specialist of early development, she created a psychological course for parents.
Someone has already asked that
Every child is different, so as any particular family needs, but we recommend parents to start integrate Smart Teddy as a routine builder at 3+ years old.
Our app will help you to control and manage Smart Teddy’s content and features. You can download My Smart Teddy app in the AppStore or Google Play Market.
Smart Teddy was made for kids and we care about safety a lot. He doesn’t have mic or camera, there are no ads and our content is created together with early development specialists.
Yes! Teddy comes with 4 interactive stickers with different activities, all Teddy’s paws are active, so you child can learn self-care and play independently
Smart Teddy Plus is our subscription plan that unlocks more games, activities, library, theme and festive content, and product features such as Schedule Set Up or motion sensor as well.
It’s like a magical switch is flipped and kids suddenly follow all directions that typically come with a protest or slow feet.